We have received a lot of coat drive questions over the years. Here is a compilation of questions and answers, and we hope you’ll find these helpful.
Question: Why do our Manna of Life participants need new or gently worn jackets and coats?
Answer: Our Bronx participants need these items because they can not financially afford to buy new ones. Some of our participants have to rely upon donations only. Please remember this before sending a perfectly good clothing item to a landfill.
Question: Why are coats, hats, socks, and blankets so important for our participants?
Answer: One of the most important things for our participants is to keep warm. Coats, hats, socks, and blankets are all great ways to do that. Our partners and donors are helping us make sure our participants can stay warm through winter.
Question: How did the kids react when they received the coats, hats, socks, and other items?
Answer: The kids were very excited to receive the coats, jackets, hats, gloves, and other items. They were able to try on the coats and jackets to make sure they fit and were able to keep them warm. The kids were all delighted with the donations, and seeing our youngest participants happy warmed our hearts!
Question: What is the process for our partners and donors to bring these items to us?
Answer: The process is as follows: they first contact us to let us know what items they have and their availability, then coordinate with us to drop the items off at a mutually convenient time and location.
Please check our Ways to help page if you wish to organize a coat drive for us anywhere in the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Westchester, New Jersey, or Connecticut.
Contact us to coordinate a drop-off of new or gently used items.
We are grateful to be in a 15-year long (and counting) partnership with Priority 1 Ministries; as you can see: they bring much-needed items to our community!
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
(New International Version)

– Bringing Hope That Will Last –