Our mission at Manna of Life is to bring hope that lasts, and it’s challenging to do that when people struggle to meet their goals because of health complications. Everyone deserves to be able to focus on their resolutions, and we wanted this Bronx community event to prepare people for that with the coming New Year!
We’re ending our final cooking demonstration for the year with as much nutritional strength as we possibly can with phytonutrients that fight against cancer (Creamy Vegan Cauliflower Soup), nutrient-rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids (Simply Baked Tilapia), and warm holiday themed drinks full of antioxidants (Healthy Hot Chocolate Quinoa). The recipes were discussed at length during the class so come join us next time if you would like to learn more! It is so great to see so many new and returning faces!
For those that could not attend, please see the recipe list below.
Creamy Vegan Cauliflower Soup / Sopa cremosa de coliflor vegana
- 1 onion, chopped / 1 cebolla, picada
- 2 Tbsp olive oil / 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
- 2 cups veggie broth / 2 tazas de caldo de verduras
- ½ tsp salt / ½ cucharadita de sal
- ½ tsp pepper / ½ cucharadita de pimienta
- 2 tsp fresh parsley for garnish / 2 cucharaditas de perejil fresco para decorar
Directions / Direcciones
- Heat onion, garlic and olive oil in a soup pot for about 5-7 minutes then add all the other ingredients / Caliente la cebolla, el ajo y el aceite de oliva en una olla para sopa durante unos 5-7 minutos y luego agregue todos los demás ingredientes
- Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes / Lleve la mezcla a ebullición, luego reduzca el fuego a fuego lento durante unos 15 a 20 minutos
- Remove the soup from heat and transfer soup to a blender and blend until smooth / Retire la sopa del fuego y transfiera la sopa a una licuadora y mezcle hasta que quede suave
- Transfer the soup back to the soup pot and add salt and pepper to taste as needed. Garnish with parsley and some olive oil, and serve / Transfiera la sopa nuevamente a la olla y agregue sal y pimienta al gusto según sea necesario. Adorne con perejil y un poco de aceite de oliva, y sirva
Simply Baked Tilapia / Tilapia simplemente horneada
- 2-4 filets tilapia / 2-4 filetes de tilapia
2 tsp butter / 2 cucharaditas de mantequilla
- ½ tsp garlic salt to taste / ½ cucharadita de sal de ajo al gusto
- ½ tsp salt / ½ cucharadita de sal
- ¼ tsp seafood seasoning (such as Old Bay) / ¼ de cucharadita de condimento para mariscos (como Old Bay)
- 1 lemon, sliced / 1 limón, en rodajas
Directions / Direcciones
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees F). Grease a baking dish / Precaliente el horno a 375 grados F (190 grados F). Engrasar un molde para hornear
- Place tilapia filets in the bottom of the baking dish, then dot with butter and season with garlic salt and seafood seasoning. Top each filet with a slice or two of lemon / Coloque los filetes de tilapia en el fondo de la fuente para hornear, luego salpique con mantequilla y sazone con sal de ajo y condimento para mariscos. Cubra cada filete con una rodaja o dos de limón
- Bake in the oven until the fish flakes easily with a fork, 10-15 minutes / Cocine en el horno hasta que el pescado se desmenuce fácilmente con un tenedor, 10-15 minutos
Healthy Hot Chocolate Quinoa / Quinoa saludable con chocolate caliente
- ¼ cup quinoa flakes / ¼ taza de hojuelas de quinua
- 2 Tbs unsweetened cocoa powder / 2 cucharadas de cacao en polvo sin azúcar
- ½ cup unsweetened almond milk / ½ taza de leche de almendras sin azúcar
- ½ cup water / ½ taza de agua
- 1 medium banana mashed / 1 puré de plátano mediano
Directions / Direcciones
- Combine all ingredients into a small saucepan (minus the yogurt and chocolate chips). Whisk together until fully incorporated / Combine todos los ingredientes en una cacerola pequeña (menos el yogur y las chispas de chocolate). Batir hasta que esté completamente incorporado
- Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce to a high simmer until desired consistency, 2-3 minutes / Lleve la mezcla a ebullición, luego reduzca a fuego lento alto hasta obtener la consistencia deseada, 2 – 3 minutos
- Transfer to a bowl, top with yogurt and chocolate chips or toppings of your choice, and enjoy! / Transfiera a un tazón, cubra con yogur y chispas de chocolate o los ingredientes que elija, ¡y disfrute!
Thank you to all the efforts of Chef Ili, our Manna volunteers, and those of you who come to our in-person culinary classes. Every single cooking demonstration for the 2022 year has been brilliant thanks to you. We cannot wait for the coming year!
To come join us for more amazing Bronx community events, volunteer at: https://mannaoflife.org/volunteers/