Over this October, we are proud to announce that through Plentiful we have provided for 2781 adults, 557 seniors and 1353 children! This day also marked when we began officially distributing turkeys and holiday pantry bags and will continue to do so as we press forward through the Holiday season!

We’re quickly approaching our final Bronx community event cooking demo of the year and in collective celebration we packed more into this one. Manna’s Garden of Hope was warmed with outdoor heaters and our fire pit hearth. To make things more comfortable than they already were, participants in the class were served hot chocolate and special goodie bags that contained the ingredients of cooked recipes.

Here are the recipes Chef Ili demonstrated this class in English and Spanish:

Simple Stuffing Recipe from the bag / Eceta de Relleno Simple de la Bolsa

  • 1 bag of stuffing mix / 1 bolsa de mezcla para relleno
  • 2 cups water / 2 tazas de agua
  • ⅓ butter / ⅓ mantequilla

Directions /  Direcciones

  • Combine 2 cups of water and ⅓ butter / Combine 2 tazas de agua, ⅓ de mantequilla
  • Bring to boil, reduce heat to simmer and stir in contents of the bag / Llevar a ebullición, reducir el fuego a fuego lento y agregar el contenido de la bolsa
  • Cover and remove from heat. Let sit for 5 minutes, before fluffing with a fork / Cubra y retire del fuego. Deje reposar durante 5 minutos, antes de esponjar con un tenedor

Warm Baked Cornbread / Pan de Maíz al Horno Tibio

  • 1 bag of cornbread mix / 1 bolsa de mezcla de pan de maíz
  • 2 Large eggs / 2 huevos grandes
  • ½ cup butter / ½ taza de mantequilla
  • ⅓ cup buttermilk or milk / ⅓ taza de suero de leche o leche

Directions /  Direcciones

  • Arrange oven rack in the middle of the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees / Coloque la rejilla del horno en el medio del horno. Precaliente el horno a 450 grados
  • Place 2 Tablespoons of butter in the bottom of a 9×9 inch baking pan or large cast iron skillet / Coloque 2 cucharadas de mantequilla en el fondo de un molde para hornear de 9×9 pulgadas o una sartén grande de hierro fundido
  • In a large bowl, whisk together the cornbread mix from the bag / En un tazón grande, mezcle la mezcla de pan de maíz de la bolsa
  • In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs until frothy. Whisk in the milk until combined / En un tazón mediano, bata los huevos hasta que estén espumosos. Batir la leche hasta que se mezclen
  • Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture. Mix just until dry pieces are incorporated. Do not overmix! Clumps are okay 🙂 / Vierta la mezcla de huevo en la mezcla de harina. Mezcle hasta que se incorporen las piezas secas. ¡No haga sobre mezcla! Los grumos están bien 🙂
  • Fold in the melted butter. Allow the mixture to sit for 5 minutes / Incorpore la mantequilla derretida. Deja reposar la mezcla durante 5 minutos
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes until inserting a knife into the center comes out clean / Hornee de 15 a 20 minutos, hasta que un cuchillo insertado en el centro salga limpio
  • Serve warm cornbread with butter, honey, and syrup as desired / Sirva pan de maíz tibio con mantequilla, miel y jarabe según lo desee

Herb Roasted Chicken Quarters / Cuartos de pollo asado con hierbas

  • 1 chicken quarter / 1 cuarto de pollo
  • ½ cup butter or oil / ½ taza de mantequilla o aceite
  • 1 bunch herbs / manojo de hierbas
  • 6 garlic cloves / dientes de ajo
  • Salt & pepper & choice of spices / Sal y pimienta y selección de especias

Directions /  Direcciones

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees / Precalentar el horno a 400 grados
  • Grab a baking pan and place chicken in pan, rub with oil or butter and then season with herbs & spices / Tome un molde para hornear y coloque el pollo en el molde, frote con aceite o mantequilla y luego sazone con hierbas y especias
  • Once seasoned add about ½ cup of water to the pan to help cook the chicken all the way through add garlic and sprigs of herbs / Una vez sazonado, agregue aproximadamente ½ taza de agua a la sartén para ayudar a cocinar el pollo por completo, agregue ajo y ramitas de hierbas
  • Place in the oven and cook for about 15 – 20 minutes / Coloque en el horno y cocine durante unos 15 – 20 minutos

Roasted Sweet Potatoes / Patatas Dulces Asadas

  • 2-4 sweet potato / 2-4 batatas
  • ½ cup butter or oil / ½ taza de mantequilla o aceite
  • 1 bunch herbs / 1 manojo de hierbas
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced / 6 dientes de ajo, picados
  • Salt & pepper & choice of spices / Sal y pimienta y selección de especias

Directions /  Direcciones

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, in a small mixing bowl whisk together the oil or melted butter with the spices and chopped herbs / Precaliente el horno a 400 grados, en un tazón pequeño mezcle el aceite o la mantequilla derretida con las especias y las hierbas picadas
  • Cut sweets into wedges and mix the potatoes with the marinade and season with salt & pepper. Then place on a baking tray and bake in the oven for about 25 – 35 minutes, depending on the size of the sweet potatoes / Corte los dulces en gajos y mezcle las papas con la marinada y sazone con sal y pimienta. Luego coloque en una bandeja para hornear y hornee en el horno durante aproximadamente 25 a 35 minutos, dependiendo del tamaño de las batatas
  • Check the potatoes to be fork tender, which means a fork can go through the potato with ease. Once ready, serve & enjoy / Verifique que las papas estén tiernas al tenedor, lo que significa que el tenedor puede atravesar la papa con facilidad. Una vez listo, ¡sirve y disfruta

Although this cooking class was pleasant and comfy despite the extreme cold, we will move to indoor classes when the weather demands it. We were so thrilled to see more than a dozen of you come out and attend Chef Ili’s lessons with us despite the winter weather!

Thank you to Chef Ili, our Manna volunteers, our food suppliers HRA, United Way, Food Bank and our donors! We could not do this without you! 

To come join us for more amazing Bronx community events, volunteer at: https://mannaoflife.org/volunteers/